
Today has been a good day. Contracts arrived for a short story I’ve sold. I thought of a (hopefully) good idea for a non-erotica sci-fi story, plus a novella that I’m just chomping at the bit to write. And last but not least, Rose Caraway, the Sexy Librarian herself, tweeted that The Sexy Librarian’s Big Book of Erotica has won a Foreword Reviews’ 2014 INDIEFAB gold medal award! How awesome is that?!

The Sexy Librarian's Big Book of Erotica
I loved writing “The Whole of Me,” the story of mine that appears in The Sexy Librarian’s Big Book of Erotica*. The main character of Shaun was so vivid in my mind when I thought of him—his pain, his determination—his story fairly spilled from my fingertips.**
When Rose chose to include it in the anthology I was thrilled. When I saw what prestigious company it was going to keep, I almost fainted. Wow, there are some excellent stories by some prominent erotica authors in this anthology. Up until the day it was published, I kept thinking I was going to get an email telling me my acceptance had been a mistake. Being included in this anthology, award or no award, is one of the proudest moments of my life so far. I ain’t gonna lie though—the award is sweet sweet icing on this already delicious cake.
*You can check the Anthologies page here to find purchase links.
**That’s probably not how it happened—like childbirth, I think the feel-good endorphins of having the story published has warped my memory.