So Says The King Returns!

What with anxiety and depression—mine, my boyfriend’s and our daughter’s—plus the pandemic, it’s taken me a while, but I’ve finally rewritten So Says The King and gotten it ready to be republished. It’s been tough and I feel weird releasing a book now, but I think if there’s ever a time for as many stories as possible, it’s now. Reading and writing have always been my solace, and I just hope that readers enjoy reading this story as much as I did writing it.

So Says The King is a saucy little m/m/m, contemporary erotic romance novelette. It was previously published by Less Than Three Press last year before they closed, and this is a revised edition that I am self-publishing. Here is the cover:

And here is the blurb:

Aidan might just have ruined everything.

Of all the ways he hoped—or dreaded—Jaime would react to his declaration of love, Aidan never imagined that he would threaten not just to end their business partnership but their friendship too if he ever tries to speak to him about it again.

Heartbroken, the last thing Aidan wants to do is attend their office holiday party especially when he discovers that their other business partner, Toby, has organized a toga party.

It’s Saturnalia and Toby has crowned himself the Lord of Misrule, the king for a night. Tonight, his words are their commands and he is determined to make Aidan and Jaime see that they are perfect for each other. But Jaime is hiding a secret, one that will change everything.

For now, So Says The King will only be available through Amazon as an ebook and will be part of Kindle Unlimited. It will be out on 9th June 2020 and is up for preorder right now at:

Amazon UK

Amazon US

I’m going to go and have a quiet, inside freak-out now. Keep safe, everyone x