Unhappy Endings

As many of you may know, Less Than Three Press has closed its doors. I am heartbroken that this has happened. It was such a pleasure and a privilege to work with LT3’s editors and artists, and I am so grateful for the opportunities and care they gave me. LT3 was one of the few LGBTQIA publishers, and their inclusivity and diversity will be sorely missed. I hope that everyone who was part of LT3 weathers this speed-bump and goes on to great future success. Thank you so much for everything x

As for the stories I had published at LT3—“Stinger”, “Hellbeasts”, “While She Sleeps”, and “So Says The King”—they will be unavailable for a little while. I will look to see if there are other publishers that might take them, but my feeling at the moment is that I will be self-publishing them in the future. Whatever happens, I’ll let you know.

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